
The Banned ‘Happy Ending’ and a Tribute to Dr Zev
When Dr Zev Zelenko shared his successful treatment of Covid-19 during those panic-driven early days, little did he know it would later be banned, or that a happy ending in a TV series would expose the truth underlying his 100 percent success rate.

The Real Reason They Are Now Jabbing Kids, and Neil Oliver’s Plea to “Leave Our Kids Alone”
Robert Kennedy Jr confronts us with the shocking truth about why approval has been granted to jab kids and babies as young as six months old, and Neil Oliver expresses his outrage over the NHS ‘superhero’ advertising campaign to coerce kids into getting the jab.

Ukraine on Fire: Documentary on the 2014 American Coup
Oliver Stone described this coup in Ukraine as “a dirty story through and through.” It shows clear parallels between what happened then, and what is currently happening in America (June, 2020) where deliberately stoked racial and political unrest have now set America on fire. These so-called ‘revolutions’ or ‘uprisings’ always follow a specific pattern, directed by hidden operators behind the scenes.

Ukraine: News on the Ground from Russell Bentley (Videos)
Russell Bentley, who has been fighting in the Donetsk People’s Republic for nearly eight years, reveals what is happening on the ground in and around Donetsk, and why the ceasefire in Mariupol is not working.

Dr. Robert Malone: “Honest Words Spoken From the Heart Can Change the World.”
A powerful speech by Dr. Robert Malone at the Defeat the Mandates Rally in Washington D.C. on 23 January, brought tears to my eyes. It was spoken in truth from the heart, and the normally quietly spoken man that he is, allowed his voice to…

Dr. Zev Zelenko: The Plan to Tag Us For The New World Order Slave System
This is one big attempt at enslaving humanity… It’s evil, but it’s brilliant because slavery has always been the most lucrative industry and asset throughout human history. And so, you have a few sociopaths who believe in their immortality and think that they’ll transfer their consciousness to some cyborg…

Deadly Vax Lot Numbers Identified, Still In Circulation
Is the deadly game of Russian roulette now playing out with Covid vaccines? Dr. Jane Ruby warns us that deadly vaccine lots are being used as part of an experiment by the three leading vaccine makers in the US. The guinea pigs are the unsuspecting public. You. Thanks to computer hackers, you can now find out “how bad is my batch.”

“We’re heading into a pandemic of vaccine side effects,” Dr. Shankara Chetty Tells Reiner Fuellmich
Dr. Chetty has personally successfully treated well over 7,000 Covid patients in Africa since the beginning of the pandemic. He sees the spike protein as likely to be “the most well engineered human poison ever made.”

Is Omicron Another lab Creation?
Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, reviews with Steve Bannon what we know so far about the so-called Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2, with an analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

“Before You Inject Your Child”: Dr. Robert Malone’s Statement On Scientific Facts
An important statement by Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology platform, on the scientific facts about the genetic mRNA vaccine that can adversely affect children.

‘Fully Vaccinated’ are COVID ‘Super-Spreaders,’ Says Inventor of mRNA Technology
Dr. Robert Malone is at his best in this wide-ranging, down-to-earth, and truthful podcast on Covid-related issues with “The Hidden Gateway” host, Justin Williams, that causes him to reflect, “there’s not a whole lot of thinking going on.”

Dr. Peter McCullough – ‘Therapeutic Nihilism and Untested Novel Therapies’
“We are in the free fall of a lawless state,” said Dr. Peter McCullough during this important presentation at the AAPS 78th Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh on October 2, 2021.

Dr. Ryan Cole: Stop the Insanity! This Is No Longer Good Science.
The spike protein in the ‘vaccines’ can induce the same disease as Covid-19 – the same lung disease, the same vascular disease, the same heart disease, the same brain disease, said Dr. Ryan Cole at the White Coat Summit in Texas.

Funeral Director Blows the Whistle on COVID
Updated with a letter to the UK’s Chief Coroner’s Office, Nov 01, 2021. Funeral Director, John O’Looney, tells it like it is. Looking into the face of each death during this Covid-19 era, he gives his raw account of what he has seen, and continues to see, in his family-run funeral service.

How Tax-Exempt Foundations Subverted America’s Democracy
This is perhaps the most important interview I have watched that sheds light on what has gone on behind closed doors for over a century, leading to the current chaos and destruction we see in America today. (Video)

Frustrated Doctor: ‘Government Doesn’t Want to Show That the Darn Vaccine is Full of Sh*t’
Distressed nurses speak out about seeing patients with vaccine injuries, and others dying. Doctors amplify their concerns. Statistics scream at us to stop the vaccine rollout madness, while showing successful alternative Covid treatments.

Dr. Peter McCullough Takes the Fear Out Of COVID
Early treatment at home is key to safely overcoming COVID. Dr. Peter McCullough explains his successful treatment plan, the malfeasance behind the scenes, and why the ‘vaccines’ are obsolete, unsafe, and unfit for human use.

Trust WHO (Documentary)
‘Trust WHO’ documents filmmaker Lilian Franck’s quest to discover what lies behind the WHO’s altruistic façade. Shining a light on how industry lobbies have infiltrated the WHO she uncovers an “alarming picture of corruption and opacity.” Can the WHO be trusted with the public’s health?

2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece, Part One
Join Professor Mark Crispin Miller as he tackles the murky world of fear and propaganda, which relies heavily on a term that immediately shuts down intelligent discussion and investigation: the so-called “conspiracy theory.”

Minnesota Nurses Voice Concerns About Covid-19, Vaccine Injuries, and Mandated Jabs
Health care workers discuss concerns over mandates for them and their patients, informed consent, vaccine injuries, reporting to VAERS, and more at a meeting held by Rep. Erik Mortensen.

MASS PSYCHOSIS: How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
‘After Skool’ video shows how cycles of fear can drive people into ‘mass psychosis’, where their minds are easily controlled by what they are made to fear. Explores fear-driven narratives of the past.

PCR Test: All You Need To Know In Two Minutes
Kary Mullis is the inventor of the PCR, for which he won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. If he was alive today he would tell the world his PCR test cannot tell you if you have an infectious virus – including Covid-19.